Challenge Days – Day 5


It seemed obvious to me to finish this week of challenge with a touch of love … This unique feeling and certainly the most important!

If I say “Love”, you will think about your partner, your children, your parents, your friends. Well, no, the first person you must love is you! Said like that, it may shock you but let me explain😉

When I say love yourself, I don’t say to become completely narcissistic and only self-centred! But what is it to love yourself?

– It’s being yourself and not being ashamed your personality (be yourself, others are already taken!)

– It’s accepting not being perfect (99% of the beautiful women on magazines and social networks are photoshopped)

– It’s “playing” with your differences (You are unique)

– It’s accepting your flaws and weaknesses (We all have them and that’s what makes us who we are)


The path to self-love is quite simple: have trust yourself and it will naturally lead you to self-esteem, which will automatically guide you to love yourself.

The benefits of loving yourself:

Win in confidence

Have a higher self-esteem


LOVE OTHERS And yes, to truly love others, at first, you must know how to love oneself!


Your challenge of the day is to make a list of everything you like in yourself.  List your physical qualities or anything related to your personality. Read this list again … become aware of your strengths and love them! By the way, love yourself, we will love you so much more in return 😉

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