Full energy cleanse (remotely)

£90.00 60 minutes

Categories: , Tags: , , , , Product ID: 5476


For people, animals and places

Before each session, we have a chat to determine your expectations.

I’ll ask you for a picture, your firstname, your surname (maiden name for married women), your date of birth.

Cleaning is done in 4 steps:

  • Cleaning (extraction) of polluted energy points (chakras)
  • Elimination of harmful and negative energies of which you can be impacted voluntarily or not.
  • Recharge (supply) of energy from energy points (chakras)
  • Balance and harmonisation of energies

After each cleaning, I carry out a protection (like a shield) which makes it possible to avoid all negative energies (voluntary or not) and thus to prolong the effectiveness of cleaning.

A complete audio report will be sent to you after each session.

I will communicate to you your energy percentage before and after the cleaning, the energy points that were affected, the physical and psychic symptoms that you could feel, the effects of the cleaning and the period of validity of the cleaning (between 6 to 12 months).

For the complete energetic cleansing, I work on a radionic board which amplifies the vibrations and a specific pendulum (PU6.6).


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