Resolutions and wishes

A few days before new year, I propose a nice little moment …

You can be alone, with friends, with your family. Be around a glass of wine, a coffee, a tea … or a digestive medication 🙂

The goal is to have a good time and prepare positively 2019.

Create 2 lists: one for your resolutions and one for your wishes. There is no minimum and no maximum to write, the goal being to hold our resolutions and fulfil your wishes.

Be original and get out of the traditional “sport at the gym”, “lose weight” … Don’t inflict an effort that will not bring you pleasure but think about what you would like to do ( or say) and you do not take the time. Do not hesitate to be inspired by our challenge (still online on the site).

Dream big and think about what you really want for this year 2019. Stay objective … The house in the Bahamas, with Brad Pitt (and without the 6 children) it will not work;)

Keep your lists close (the most creative  can create pretty frames to hang), check as you go through the year what you have achieved.

In moments of doubt, re-read your lists and inspire yourself! It’s your wishes, your resolutions, it’s you …

Have a very good end of the year and a very good moment “Resolutions & Wishes”!

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