Challenge Days 4 – Day 4


4th day of our challenge’s week, I hope you like it and above all that it helps you.

It’s more difficult today (especially for us French people😉) because the target of this day will be … Not to complain !


I know we can complain for a lot of things : that person in the tube that doesn’t let you get out the train before they get in, the bad weather, waiting in queue at the checkout, the traffic … But can we change something ? or can we improve the situation?

Obviously the answer is no! Even if we complain, that person from the tube will not become polite, the weather will not change, people will not disappear from the supermarket, traffic will not be more fluid … So what’s the use of unnecessary stress?

Basically it isn’t necessary to complain in situations where we don’t have the opportunity to change or improve things. Let’s keep our energy for useful things and especially for situations that we can control.

How to avoid complaining? The best thing is to step back, and not give too much importance to what does not deserve it!


The benefits of avoiding complaint:

Win in serenity

Reduce stress

Increase your well-being

Decrease the blood pressure


I launch the top departure for a day without a complaint, are you ready to take up the challenge?

Don’t hesitate to tell me in comment if you have managed this challenge

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